Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Places and manners of articulation

In the English language we have consonant sounds and vowels sounds.
First of all we are going to study the CONSONANT SOUNDS. The consonant sounds are created when there is a blockage or constriction of air in the vocal track.

The places where the constrictions/obstruction of air occurs:

  • Dental
  • labio-dental
  • Bilabial
  • Alveolar
  • Post-alveolar
  • Palatal
  • Velar
  • Glotal
In this lin you could see each of the places of articulation with the phonetics symbols and their sounds:

The manners of articulation can be:

  • Stop: and it can be voiceless or voiced
  • Fricative: it can be voiceless or voiced
  • Africative: it can be voiceless or voiced
  • Nasal sound: it is just voiced
  • Liquid sound: it is just voiced
  • Glide sound:it is just voiced
In this link you also could find the manners of articulation with the phonetics symbols and their sounds.

This is a link in which you will find an exercise about manners of articulation:

It is important to practice this kind of exercises because in this way you are going to be improving day by day.

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