Wednesday, March 11, 2015

The vocal track

The vocal track is the area from the nose and the nasal cativity down to the vocal cords deep in the throat. It is important to know the parts of the vocal track because in this way we are going to have a better idea how these parts are used to produced sounds.

If you click this link you could see an explanation about the vocal track and an illustration about it:

If you click this other link you could see in a video a real illustration about the vocal track when producing sounds:

In this link you could see the places of articulation and if you click on each of the places of articulation you could see a definition of them:

The speech organs are divided into three parts:

  • Phonatory system 
  • Respiratory system
  • Articulatory system

This is a link in which you can see and learn the parts of the articulatory, phonatory and respiratory system:

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